I offer consultant services to students, parents, teachers and school systems, who are struggling to meet the needs of their child in any setting.  Every parent wants their child to be healthy, happy and feeling successful about themselves. Sometimes, due to sensory issues, communication issues or other challenges, a child has difficulty feeling happy, engaged and comfortable in a particular setting.
As a special education teacher with 36 years of experience,  I offer the opportunity for a new set of eyes to come in and assess challenging situations and the student in question, offering loving support to all involved.  I always try to see things through the child's eyes and point of view, and advocate for their desires and needs until they are able to do so for themselves. 

Since my "retirement" from full time education, I have done consultancy work in home and school settings for a preschooler with ASD, have given talks and answered questions about high school students with all differing abilities, engaged in testing of elementary students, set up a program for students with ASD and similar challenges in a local school setting and transformed an existing classroom into a TEACCH format with social skills training included.

If you feel you have run out of ideas, options, opportunities or energy searching for the answers to the problems your child is faced with, I am here for you.  I maintain strict confidentiality and write written reports of every visit that include recommendations for further action steps.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving this service a try!

Contact me @marie.inglee@gmail.com or 607.316.7563!